
Use and privacy policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to describe the management of this website with regard to the processing of personal data of its users, in compliance with the regulated by EU Regulation 2016/679, for those who connect to the corporate website of Oria Toscana. (Exteler Market SL) at the web address www.oriatoscana.com.

Contact details for users who connect through the website.

Extelar Market SL

CIF B67568956

Morro Curt Street 4, 2nd 2nd, Botigas de Sitges, 08860, Barcelona.


Mercantile Register Barcelona T 47231, F 12, H B 545437 , I 1, 04/02/2020

Users should read this Privacy Policy carefully before submitting any personal information and/or completing any electronic forms on the website.

Purposes of personal data processing

Listed below are the purposes of the processing of personal data that are managed through this website and that is provided by users through online forms, social networks or automatically acquired during navigation.

The purposes of personal data processing are:

1) To improve and personalize the user experience of the website.

2) To allow registration on the website to access specific sections of the website and to provide and manage the various services offered.

3) To allow users to publish their own content directly on the website or on websites managed independently by third parties with whom Oria Toscana has completed agreements in this regard, such as, by way of example, but not limited to, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “Social Networks”).

4) With prior consent, carry out marketing activities such as sending promotional and advertising material and content in relation to Oria Toscana or third party companies related to the interests of Oria Toscana, using email, mms and text message;

5) Respond to user requests regarding Oria Toscana products and services.

Additional specific informative notices may be provided and eventually published on the website in connection with specific operations involving the provision of specific personal data (e.g. in the case of special events or campaigns, contests, etc.).

Methods of data processing – Shopify and Hubspot

The processing of personal data is carried out using automated tools such as Shopify and Hubspot and/or manually (e.g. on paper) for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, in compliance with current regulations. In connection with such processing, Oria Toscana has taken the security measures required by law, to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the data.

Type and source of data processed

1) Navigation data

In principle, it is possible to browse the website without having to provide any personal data. The website is divided into separate sections, some of which may require data entry, while in others it will not be necessary.

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, as part of their normal operation, certain personal information that is transmitted implicitly in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This information, by its nature, may, through the association and processing of data held by third parties, allow users/visitors to be identified (e.g. through their IP address, computer domain names used to connect to the website, etc.).

This information is mainly used to compile statistical information, verify the correct functioning of the website and make navigation more efficient.

Such web contact data is not retained after processing, except as necessary for the investigation of any computer crime against the website.

No data derived from the web service will be communicated or disseminated to unauthorized third parties.

2) Data provided voluntarily by the users.

When users connect to this website, send personal information to access certain services (e.g. newsletters, subscriptions to competition) or to make requests by e-mail, this action involves the acquisition by Oria Toscana of the sender’s address and/or other personal data. These data will be processed exclusively to respond to the particular request or to provide the service.

The user must fill in the forms with true, accurate, complete and updated data, responding for any damages that may be caused by the defective completion of the forms with false, inaccurate, incomplete or outdated data, both to Oria Toscana and to third parties. The personal data provided by users will only be communicated to third parties if the communication is necessary to fulfill the requests of users.

In compliance with current legislation on data protection regulated by European Regulation 2016/679 we inform you that the personal data you provide will be incorporated into an automated file owned by Oria Toscana, as responsible for it, will use it for the purposes specified above in this privacy policy. These data files may be accessed by companies and associated with Oria Toscana, to the extent necessary to fulfill your requests, or to manage any of the purposes set out above.

Personal data may also be brought to the attention of employees or collaborators of Oria Toscana, and its sales network. Such parties are formally designated and authorized to process and receive the appropriate operational instructions in this regard. In addition, the data may be processed by external companies that Oria Toscana may make use of in connection with the management of the contractual relationship with customers or for its own organizational needs and activities. The data, in any case, are not subject to general disclosure.

ARCO Rights.

The data subject may exercise his/her rights in relation to the Data Controller (Oria Toscana) at any time in accordance with EU Regulation 679/2016. Therefore, the data subject has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him/her and their communication in intelligible form; to obtain indications on the origin of the data, the purposes of the processing, the processing methods, the Data Controller and his/her representative and the parties to whom the data may be communicated; to have the data corrected, supplemented and updated, as well as deleted or transformed into anonymous form.

The data subject may request the cessation at any time of processing activities related to direct marketing, commercial communications and market research. For the effective exercise of all these rights you must send written communication to the File Manager Oria Toscana accompanied by a copy of the ID card, or via email / link that we provide in all our commercial communications. In the case of receiving a cancellation request, we will proceed to remove your data from our mailing list, within the period established by law.

Legal Notice

The web page www.oriatoscana.com is property of Extelar Market SL, hereinafter Oria Toscana, with CIF B67568956 and address at Calle Morro Curt 4, 2do 2da, Botigas de Sitges, 08860, Barcelona (Spain).

This legal notice is addressed to users who connect in Spanish territory through the link www.oriatoscana.com. The fact of accessing the same implies knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use, in compliance with the legal provisions in force in Spain on Protection of personal data, EU Regulation 2016/679 and Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI).

You must carefully read and accept these terms of use in your capacity as Internet User, hereinafter “user”, committing to make proper, correct and lawful use of the website and all its contents, tools and functionalities.

Contact details:

Extelar Market SL

CIF B67568956

Morro Curt Street 4, 2nd 2nd, Botigas de Sitges, 08860, Barcelona (Spain).


Commercial Register Barcelona T 47231, F 12, H B 545437 , I 1, 04/02/2020

Intellectual and Industrial Property.

The intellectual property rights of this website, its source code, design, navigation structure and the various elements contained therein are owned by Oria Toscana, who has the exclusive rights to exploit them in any way and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation. Third party holders of intellectual property rights on photographs, logos, etc …, included in this website have granted Oria Toscana the corresponding authorizations for reproduction and making them available to the public.

The viewing, printing and partial downloading of the contents of the website is authorized only and exclusively if the following conditions are met: 1) That it is compatible with the objectives of this website 2) That it is done with the sole purpose of obtaining the information contained for personal and private use. Its use for commercial purposes or for distribution, public communication or transformation without the express consent of Oria Toscana is expressly prohibited.

The unauthorized use of the information contained in this website, its resale, as well as the injury of the rights of Intellectual or Industrial Property of Oria Toscana, will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.

Hypertext links

Oria Toscana makes available to users links or links in order to facilitate access to information, services and other content available on the Internet. The enabled links or links can lead the User to other sites and Web pages managed by third parties, over which Oria Toscana does not exercise any control. The provision of such links, directories and search tools is intended to facilitate the User’s search and access to information available on the Internet; in no case will they be considered as recommendations to users, so the decision to use them will always be the responsibility of the latter.

Exclusion of Warranties and Liability

Oria Toscana includes in this web site accurate and updated information; nevertheless, the information lodged in the same one could come to contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors, reason why Oria Toscana will not offer any guarantee with regard to the same one and does not respond, consequently, of its accuracy, integrity, veracity, sufficiency, current importance or exhaustividad, nor of the damages and damages of any nature that could be due to the lack of accuracy, exhaustividad, current importance, of the same one. Oria Toscana does not guarantee the nonexistence of errors in the access to the Web, in its content, nor that this one is updated, although it will develop its better efforts for, in its case, to avoid them, to correct them or to update them.

Both access to this website and the use made of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the user. Oria Toscana is not responsible for any consequence or damage that may arise from such access or use of information. Oria Toscana is not responsible for any possible security errors that may occur or for any damage that may be caused to the user’s computer system (hardware and software), files or documents stored therein, as a result of the presence of virus in the user’s computer used to connect to the services and contents of the web, a malfunction of the browser or the use of outdated versions of the same.

Oria Toscana is not responsible for any damage or harm derived from circumstances of force majeure, such as: error in the lines of communications, defects in the Hardware and Software of the users, failures in the Internet network (of connection, in the linked pages). There is no guarantee that the website will function constantly, reliably and correctly, without delays or interruptions.

Data processing and information security

Oria Toscana will process personal data through this website. The user may consult the data protection policy applied to this type of information, available in this same text above, the content of which complies with the EU Regulation 2016/679.

Suspension of service.

Oria Toscana reserves the right to suspend the display of this website in all or some of its functions in relation to all needs relating to the efficiency and security of the site.


The website www.oriatoscana.comse is directed to the Spanish public and is governed in each and every one of its aspects by the applicable Spanish regulations. The user expressly accepts that the Courts and Tribunals competent to hear any differences arising from the interpretation or application of these clauses, and to resolve any doubt or dispute that may arise from the existence, access, use or content of this Legal Notice or the website are Spanish, and submits, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona.

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